※右:analog 2008 Springで取り上げて頂いた時の記事より。
氏名:中川 弘夫(ハンドルネーム:Naka)
小学校5年の時に北京放送を受信して、この趣味を開始。以降小学生~中学生の間はBCLに没頭。当時の受信機はNational RQ-448(ラジカセ)を皮切りにSONY ICF-5900及びYAESU FRG-7。高校に入り遠い学校に通うのと部活や勉強に追われることになり、痛恨のリタイア。以降20年間この趣味から離れる。
2000年にふとしたきっかけで再開。JRC NRD-535、AOR AR-7030を購入し昔以上にこの趣味に没頭。したがってBCLのトータルキャリアは四半世紀を超える。その後時代は変わり、メイン受信機はMicrotelecom PERSEUS及びAirspy HF+ DiscoveryといったSDRにシフトする。好きな分野は海外中波DXであり、環境悪化で聞こえない自宅を離れDXペディションでの受信が活動の中心である。遠くは海外に、国内では北海道~沖縄まで、そしてメインは湘南海岸や外房に頻繁に出掛ける。
Name: Hiroo Nakagawa
Born in September 1964 in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Since then, I have lived in Kanagawa Prefecture.
I started SWL hobby when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school when I received Radio Beijing.
Since then, I has been immersed in SWL from elementary school to junior high school.
My receivers at the time were the National RQ-448 (radio cassette player), followed by the SONY ICF-5900 and YAESU FRG-7.
When I entered high school, I was forced to attend a school far away, attend club activities, and study, and retired with regret.
I stayed away from the hobby for the next 20 years.
It was restarted in 2000 by chance.
I purchased a JRC NRD-535 and an AOR AR-7030 and became more immersed in this hobby than ever before.
Therefore, SWL's total career spans over a quarter of a century.
Times have since changed, and the main receiver has shifted to SDRs such as Microtelecom PERSEUS and Airspy HF+ Discovery.
My favorite field is overseas medium wave DX, and my main activity is receiving DXpeditions from my home, where I cannot hear due to the deteriorating environment.
I frequently travels overseas, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, and mainly to the Shonan coast and Sotobo.
In order to enjoy my hobby of DX, I’m also interested in electronic work, and has taken on the challenge of making various devices under the guidance of my master. I have many products.
I'm also interested in interacting with like-minded people overseas, so I'm continuing to study my English conversation skills for that purpose.
In order to further enjoy this hobby with my friends, I established the Totsuka DXers Circle in 2012 with my neighbors.
I am enjoying this hobby and have become friends with many wonderful people.